Jorge Lara

Episode Three of Experimental Video Series "Long Distance RADAR" Now Online

Jorge Lara
Episode Three of Experimental Video Series "Long Distance RADAR" Now Online
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Episode Three of Experimental Video Series “Long Distance RADAR” is now online. The series, an uncharted collection of video works received from artists around the world is brought to you by RADAR, a “community based group action focused on anti-hierarchical and un-curated performative work'‘.

R.A.D.A.R. states they strive to create a safe and constructive platform for the live exploration of artworks based in and around the body, time and space. As a response to the restrictions imposed by a worldwide pandemic, they created an experimental Long Distance version of R.A.D.A.R. organized into a full length work by “a team of Enfants Terribles home based in Las Vegas, NV.”

The episode, part of a four part series features artists: Terbo Ted / Brent Holmes / Ang Kerfoot / cult 33 / Keeva D. Lough / Andy R / Rebecca Gabrielle / Jessica Borusky / Saladboibookclub / Emily Windler Kuwabara / Adriana Chavez / John McVay / Aaron Cowan / Ben Charles

The final episode will be released on Wednesday, May 27th across multiple platforms.

You can find the full episodes on their Youtube channel RADARlovesyou on Youtube and down below:

More fresh R.A.D.A.R. our third installment of four. R.A.D.A.R is, a community based group action focused on anti-hierarchical and un-curated performative wo...

This is the first installment of a four-part video art compilation organized by R.A.D.A.R., a community based group action focused on anti-hierarchical and u...